
To the north....

After more than a week in León we finally made our way to the north of the country. Today we arrived in Jinotega and tomorrow we´ll try to find some mystical caves somewhere in the jungle. We don´t know yet if it works out. You get so little information about it, that we don´t even know for sure if they really exist...
After that adventure in the jungle we will go back to León...



After 2 days in Managua we know for shure that there is nothing to see there... So we continued our trip yesterday to Leon... In the next days we're going to explore this beautiful city and maybe climb some volcanoes...


On the way to Masaya...

In the last two days we explored the surrounding area of Masaya. Yesterday we visited the Apoyo logoon and today we climbed the active Masaya volcano - a really breathtaking experience (not because of the altitude, but the sulfurous smoke)...
Tomorrow we are going to continue to the capital of Nicaragua - Managua...


One year and a half on the road and not a bit tired!!!

After a few days on the mystical island of Ometepe, formed out of two volcanoes in the middle of the Nicaragua Lake, we sponaneously made our way to Granada yesterday - sometimes a coin helps to make a decission...
Here we celebrated our travel-aniversary with a huge self-cooked dinner.
In the next 1 or 2 days we are going to explore more of the cities beautiful colonial streets and houses before we make our way to Masaya...


In Costa Rica...but already on our way to Nicaragua...

In Boquete we finally managed it to climb the volcano. It was amazing! The most beautiful sunrise and the view of the two oceans at the same time - the atlantic and the pacific!
After a day of relaxing in the hot springs we travelled on to Bocas del Toro. On this group of caribbean islands we continued with the relaxing...and didn´t stop for a week...
Finally we made it to Costa Rica where we visited the monkeys in the National Park near Cahuita. Today we arrived in San José, Costa Rica´s capital.
But tomorrow we will already flee to Nicaragua. We where told that the prices there are more reasonable and that there are less Gringos...