
From Bangkok to Chiang Mai...

The last 11 days we spent mostly waiting in Bangkok... First we where waiting for our friend Martin to arrive from Indonesia and then Marita got sick and we where waiting for her to feel better.
Yesterday we have been to the hospital and even the doctors didn´t know what the problem was...Well, at least we have painkillers now. So we can go on the 15 hour train trip to Chiang Mai tonight. Hopefully Marita will get better soon...otherwise we will have to challenge the doctors in Chiang Mai...


Back in civilisation...

We slept the last 2 weeks on concrete beds with strawmats and wooden pillows, got up at 4am daily, meditated for hours in a row, didn't talk or have any other form of social contact and didn't eat anything between noon and sunrise... Now we know why buddhists consider life as suffering!
But even if it was really hard - we learned a lot and it was an experience for life!
Originally we wanted to travel south after the retreat but it got a little bit too wet here. So we will flee from the coming monsoon to the dry north. Today we take the night train to bangkok where we will stay for a day or two and then...we will see...